I love the date today: 2/ 20/ 2007, as if stuttering.
My Fellow North Texans have been downtrodden as of late: the temperature dipped into the 30’s for nearly a week. Tough times. However, spring has apparently arrived and hope springs forth once more. Eighty degrees today.
I even mowed my lawn. I don’t want you to have the wrong picture, my grass is not green nor is it growing. It’s a thing we do down here with the Bermuda grass – scalp it real short before it starts to grow. It’s sort of like the Mary Kay lotion Susan bought last week. She tells me it gets rid of the old dead skin and let’s the beautiful new show through. I await my new green skin.
Don’t you hate it when somebody takes up 2 parking spaces? Yesterday I parked next to a truck taking up 4. I posted the photo. I suppose it’s a result of opposing trends. Over the years trucks have gotten bigger, and parking spaces have gotten smaller. Now there’s not enough room for the truck. I think, in some ways, my dreams are like the truck, and my life is like the parking space.
Scalped and parked,