Friday, March 2, 2007

Death by Ukulele

I’m glad I didn’t honk, because the guy in front
of me missed death by a split second. He was
waiting at a red light, I was behind him. The
light changed green, he didn’t see the light
change because he was spacing off. Even though
I was late and in a hurry I decided not to
honk but wait for him to look up. A few seconds
later he looked up, saw the light was already
green, looked in his mirror and saw me there
and quickly started to drive ahead. Before he could
drive 2 feet he slammed on his brakes again
because a car had just run the red light and sped
by in front of him going 40 MPH.
I’m sure that if I had honked he would have popped
out into the intersection just in time to get
broadsided by the light-runner. The three of us
were a hair’s-breadth away from a boat-load of
sorrow: One guy dead, one guy who just killed
someone, and me the catalyst of the collision.
Life is so fragile, death is so near. I suppose
if we knew how often we pass next to death we
would never leave the house.
Anyway, I believe in Guardian Angels.
I think mine rescued me.

I leave for Hawaii tomorrow morning. Susan and
I have been looking forward to this trip!
It will
be great to see Mark and Ari after all this time.
I think there will be snorkeling, hiking, and lots
of picture taking. We’ll have to go out in the
dark at least once because I will be able to see
some stars I have always wanted to see, but aren’t
visible from the north.
Since World Music is on my mind these days I
researched the music of Hawaii. I bought a very
cheap ukulele (wretchedly out of tune) and have
been practicing. I scheduled a lesson for next
Tuesday at a studio not far from Mark’s house,
and I hope to buy a decent ukulele when I’m
there, and meet up with some local

OK, let me sum up: I'm still alive,
I'm still a geek.


1 comment:

Andy said...

Insane. It was weird, at our ash wednesday service, to see emma leave with a smudge on her forehead. And to have them say to her, remember you came from dust, and to dust you will return. Hope you're having fun in Hawaii. Blog more!