Monday, June 2, 2008

Better to just Rip it Off

It’s almost ended. My remaining time in Texas can be measured in hours. I have been saying “Good Bye” for three months now – one group of people at a time. It’s like pulling a band-aid off reeeeaaaalllllll slowly.

Today was our last “Rise and Shine” assembly at school. We have a short whole-school assembly at the beginning of every week – birthdays, “character kids,” cleanest room of the week, and the “Whoo Whoo” award (we are the Owls here are Reed), the presentation of which is a riot.

Well, anyway, I made the mistake of looking across the gym at all my students and thinking about our year together. I am going to miss those rascals. I had to dive into the restroom for a tissue so I could operate the sound system for the performance of Ms. Hastin’s class with dry eyes.

I’m such a dweeb.

I decided months ago not to dwell on leaving, but just to make the most of everyday we have together. There will be plenty of time to miss them after I am gone. But that day is almost here, and I don’t like it.

We said good bye to our Small Group from Church last Saturday. Even though we all knew it was coming, I had a hard time with our parting. These friends are so dear, and such great people, we are so much better for having known them.

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