Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Anticipation. I’m experiencing it.

Like an athlete during the “Star Spangled Banner.” Like an astronaut before lift off. Like a coach before the start of the season. Like an explorer setting out. They all know something remarkable could happen. They all know they have the ability to make something happen. They all know it will require effort, possibly serious discomfort. There will be surprises, good and bad. In the end, if they do their part, they can make something remarkable happen.

So here I stand at the beginning of the school year at Reed Elementary. An athlete has a game, an astronaut a rocket, a coach has his team, and the explorer uncharted territory. I have a school full of bright-eyed children. What a rich opportunity.

If there is any advantage of being nearly 50, it’s that I have seen the results of effort and passion. If I supply the passion, something remarkable could happen - maybe not for everybody, but for some students there could be fireworks. I love fireworks. I hope like anything that I can summon the personal fire to ignite my students this school year.

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