Friday, June 29, 2007

What, exactly, do we know?

So I sent an email to everybody that my phone changed but the number didn’t and I got some interesting responses. Dani (Hungarian) asked me if I had Lia’s (Hungarian) phone number (which I had), and my sister wrote to say she didn’t my phone number!

Hmm, what does that say about me….

The sun shone today for the first time all week (well, almost) and it got pretty hot. Due to a series of delays I ran my prescribed 9 miles in the heat of the day. It wasn’t so bad until I got home and stopped running. Then I felt REALLY tired. I wonder why I didn’t know how tired I was while I was actually getting tired.

Have you ever experienced something like this? You get to the end of something, let down, relax, and then realize just how draining it had been.

I’m working on putting together one of the films from Hungary. I am constantly fighting the voices in my head that tell me my work stinks. I suspect I’m worried about failure, or what people will think. Well, I’m no film genius that’s for sure, but I have to give it my best shot.

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